415 S. Main Street, Gretna, VA

Located in the heart of the town of Gretna, Lavalette was originally know as The Thomas Claiborne Creasy house. It  has been in the Creasy family since 1882, when the property was purchased by T.C. Creasy to house his wife, Eliza Lavalette Elliott and their growing family. Lavalette House is listed in the National Registry of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Registry.

Lavalette has the feel of both the Federal and Greek Revival architecture of its time. Back then, the two-story home sat on close to thirty-five acres, and was a focal point in the young town. 

The original home  was built circa 1882. In  1925, it was remodeled and the wide covered porch was added.  Redwood was shipped in from California to make the siding. This larger home became the home of Stover Henry Creasy and his wife, Maud.  They raised five children in the home, Lavalette, Claiborne, Stover, Cecil, and Marjory (or “Bubbles,”as she was known).


In 1996, Lavalette moved out of the house and was the last family member to permanently live there. Cecil Creasy, nephew of Lavalette is currently the owner of the home.

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